Hit Counter0001410888 Since: 13-06-2011
Notice of Inviting Tender for Survey, Complete design of Water Supply System, Supply of all material, Construction, Installation, maintenance and handing over to maintenance body of Dry Intake Well, 11.70 MLD- WTP,Rising Main,Pump House, Sump cum CWRs, Feeder main, Service CWRs, Staff Quarter, all Electrical AND Mechanical works and other Appurtenance Works of Mussoorie Reorganization Water Supply Scheme including testing and commissioning of complete water supply scheme etc and repair of exiting damaged 5 no.'s CWRs having capacity 9080 KL, 4540 KL, 2270 KL, 926 KL and 136 KL located at Gun Hill ,with 03 months trial and run on Turnkey basis.
Publish Date: 10-03-2019
Tender archiving date: 06-04-2019